Monday, November 12, 2012

     Harappan Civilization an adventure.          

Well I had an awesome field trip to the Harappan Gallery.

I learnt loads and loads of things but before that here is a small video from the net, which will give you an introduction to the Harappan Civilization-

So how was it? I am sure you must have gained a bit about the civilization.So now I will tell you what I learnt about the Civilization. 
First of all-
Do you even know the names of the Civilization? weird question right? but hey the civilization doesn't only have one name but many names, so the names list is something like this-
Harappan Civilization some information.
  1. Harappan Civilization
  2. Indus Valley Civilization
  3. Indus Saraswati Civilization
So these were the 3 I know, the 3rd one is the most popular and common known one. Hey but why is the Harappan Civilization also 
called the Indus & Indus Saraswati Civilization, don't worry i'll tell you,why it is called Indus Valley Civilization & Indus Saraswati Civilization-
As the Civilization is situated on the banks of two rivers, in which one of them  known as the Sarswati River which is now dried up!
The Archaeologists have found most of the artifacts from the dried River Sarswati.
Map of the sites of Indus Valley Civilization.

There were many civilizations at that time,the languages spoken there have been discovered, but the only civilization whose language has not been discovered is Indus Saraswati Civilization. The first and the largest sign board containing 10 letters was found in Dholavira. so if you want to win a Noble Prize figure out the language! Mr. Mayur Shah(who is interested and has also visited sites like Dholavira) had accompanied us to the gallery and told us that the language is somewhat similar to Japanese! 
A picture of the sign board in dholavira from the net.

The harappan's had alot of specialities so here are the ones I got to know about-

The first one is POTTERY! I was amazed when I saw the artifacts in the gallery. 
One of the most finest of its kind.

 The second one is kind of similar STATUES!
The Dancing Girl the original one.

Seals- were used as currency and to represent a group.
Harappan Seal

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